Caroline Hall Coaching

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start 2020 with...

welcome to my new website!

I am thrilled to share it with you, and in creating it with bgsd [shout-out to Kate and Hanna!] I wanted to distil how I work and how I help my clients to achieve the changes they are looking for.

As someone who consistently invites others to reflect, it was still a learning curve to arrive at a simple and clear way of communicating what I do and how I do it.

I like to see this as two strands working together. One is helping people to think differently and act differently so they can feel more confident and be more productive. The other is to invite them to spend real quality time with their strengths, so they can direct these more impactfully on how they operate and how they influence others. 

I’m a believer in walking my talk, so here’s what I’m going to do this year to model my approach to clients and colleagues.

think differently

As an optimist by nature, I can still be derailed by external events such as the devastating bushfires in Australia, prejudice provoking either small or epic acts of inhumanity and deep political uncertainty. I’m not at my best when I temporarily lose hope or purpose. A couple of years ago when my resilience was low, I tried 10 minutes of guided meditation in the mornings. Being in the moment with no expectation of myself and an altruistic intention made such a difference to the inside of my head, and changed the way my day began. Feeling stronger and being busy interrupted this routine before it became a fully fledged habit, and I’m going to try again - initially three times a week and if I can sustain that consistently, I hope to build up to five days a week by April.

act differently

I spend most of my time in London and I love its energy, diversity and huge green spaces- Hampstead Heath being my favourite. The watch-out for living and working in London is speed. As a coach I am experienced in being fully present for those I am working with. But in the bits in-between clients, when I’m on a super-fast trajectory from one place to another, I can forget to show kindness and generosity to those around me - whether I know them or not.

This year I am going to be more generous - whether it’s saying hello to a homeless person on my way to work, being friendly to my fellow “sardines” on the rush-hour tube or simply taking the time to give my full attention to colleagues, friends and family.

feel better

Looking after my creativity is fundamental to my confidence and productivity. In The Artist’s Way Julia Cameron has some great exercises for unblocking our creative selves. One of my regulars is her Morning Pages exercise [you can actually do it at any time of day] - the practice of writing without censorship, judgement or even re-reading, three pages of whatever’s in your head - a non-stop stream of consciousness. If I looked back over mine [I never have done!] there would be several half pages of expletives when I am angry with the world, and numerous pages of “I have nothing to say today”... yet once I have got some noise out of my head and onto the page, there is usually a nugget worth holding on to. It might be the beginnings of an idea or the reminder of a thought and it keeps my creative confidence alive.