how it works


Sounds obvious I know, but feeling we can work together, and you feeling you can trust me is essential. It starts with a phone or video call, which is your opportunity to ask me about coaching and how I work. I’ll dig a little deeper on why you want coaching and be straight about what it entails. 

“I always looked forward to meeting Caroline as she was very easy to build a relationship with”
- Managing Director, Investment Services



We’ll start by working out what you want to achieve and why it matters. Would you like your boss to promote you? Are you working at a pace that isn’t sustainable? Do you want to build capacity in your team?

What will things be like when you’re there? Will you be speaking with authority at board meetings? Will you have work-free weekends? Will you be concentrating on growth targets as your team lead projects? A mix of aspiration and realism brings your goals to life.



Most of us shy away from blowing our own trumpets. I’ll be asking you to spend quality time with your strengths. This can be a game-changer for confidence and helps you feel ready to tackle what’s next.

Instead of entering a situation feeling apprehensive and expecting the worst, we’ll be turning this thinking around so you’ll be going in knowing what you can do.

“Caroline emphasised the need to reflect on my successes, and it’s now a technique I use with my staff to maintain morale.”
- Head of Europe, Investment Business



We’ll work with live situations, meetings and interactions, so you can try out new thinking and actions in your day to day. It’s practical and pragmatic, as learning by doing is central to my approach. It keeps our work valid, concrete and relevant. 

“Caroline helped me to plan various difficult conversations and these plans proved invaluable for future conversations.”
- Senior Leader, Education



As we get into our coaching stride, you’ll be practising new thoughts and behaviours. It’s exciting when they go well, but when things don’t go to plan it’s easy to lose momentum. Reviewing and refining your new actions helps you to stay on track. Don’t expect a clean arc of progress. Sometimes it’s two steps forward, one step back…

“Having worked with Caroline, I know how to prep, how to deliver to achieve the right outcome and then review afterwards in a constructive and objective way, which enables me to continue improving.”
- Head of Technology, Utilities


My job is to help you discover new thinking and actions that will sustain you beyond the coaching process.  This last phase of our coaching includes how you’ll continue with the changes you’ve made, and who can help if you get stuck. I’m happy to agree a check-in session three or six months after the  coaching process has ended - but it’ll be a one-off. It’ll be time for you to be independent.

  • 100% Commitment. Coaching doesn’t give you a magic wand. It does give you the opportunity to learn and grow if you’re up for the work and investment.

ready to get started?